Blog #1 - 01/14/2025

Hello, this is my first test of the blog section of this site! Since I first started working in the online activist space last spring, 2024, I have been met with both the best and worst in human nature. Truth be told, at times I had questioned whether or not I could even keep going, continuing, at least not within the TikTok ecosystem. At a time when so many are hurting, in pain, under a constant state of Nakba, it became increasingly hard for both I and others around me to keep coming back every day, sitting in livestreams, raising funding. But, we persisted, and through pains and trials, 2025 is finally amongst us, A YEAR OF HOPEFULNESS! This hopefulness comes in the form of a desire for both a ceasefire, the PRIME collective cry we have had as a united global movement since Oct. 7th, 2023, and the more personal goals which many of my closest friends and I have held. The goal to find the unique ways in which we can forever help the land we all have come to love dearly without being burdensome guests, as has been the case of the state WHICH SHOULD NOT BE AND IS NOT TRULY A STATE, Isnotreal, Israel, IsraHell, you name the crime, we see them as such all the time, worms that feast on those whom the Western world has chosen to call THE LEAST OF THESE, for far too long! Whether you dwell in the land of olive trees by the sea, or you resist in the deserts of eastern Africa, or call the Congo basin your home, or your ancestry stretches to the foothills of the Himylayas, WELCOME! This is a place of refuge and strengthening, for all those oppressed! Falasteen, Sudan, Congo, Kashmir, Bosnia, Ukraine, the Uyghurs of China, all those under the knife of tyranny, come to this site and feel LOVED, SEEN, HEARD, AND UPLIFTED by the artists I plan to promote from amongst the oppressed, and the Tatreez Project, which is aiming to recconnect the darkened parts of this world via safe routing IP protocols (think Onion routing and Darknet anonymity) and through rebuilt telecommunication lines/cables/servers. The decentralized web app Tatreez(same name as the NGO), which would run off of a web architecture built on either TOR or I2P protocol to avoid the eyes of Google, Apple, and any other "BIG TECH" company, will be the first planned step in a multi-year journey to work, in love, helping the people I am peopled to forever!